Acme Mortgage
Illinois #1 Mortgage Broker
affordability calculator
Use the calculator below to give you an idea of how much of a mortgage you can afford. However, it is meant to be a guideline, not a rule. We have many programs available that can maximize the amount of a home you can afford.
Desired mortgage amount:
Mortgage length (in years)
Interest %
Annual property tax
Total monthly payments not including mortgage (car, loans, credit cards, etc).

Monthly Principal + Interest
Total Monthly Obligations
Required Salary

Listed below are the basic guidelines of how our industry determines how much of a mortgage payment you qualify for.

1. Your gross (before taxes) monthly salary should be greater than 28% of the sum of the monthly mortgage and monthly tax payments.
2. Your gross (before taxes) monthly salary should be greater than 36% of the sum of the monthly mortgage, monthly tax and other monthly debt payments.

Loan Calculators are tools designed to help you. However, we can help you know exactly what you qualify for.

"I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with the job everyone did at your company. I have refinanced several times in the past and usually pick the company that has the lowest rates. Of course I did the same when I chose your company. However, this time I received great service to go with the low rate."
Mary & Steve Robinson
"I just wanted to thank you for constantly following up with me. The last time I refinanced it seemed as if I always had to follow up with the mortgage company. Thanks for staying on top of everything and keeping things moving forward."
Don Jerome
"Your company was so much more professional then the last mortgage company I used. Every question I asked was answered honestly and accurately. I would recommend you to anyone."
John Smith